Friday, May 18, 2007
Here I am!!!
Yay! I'm a blogger :)

My mother-in-law decided to get a blog design for me for my birthday. It couldn't be a more perfect gift. Jason's cousin, Jenn, has a blog and it's really a lot of fun to read. Especially since she lives in Colorado.

So here I go at this...

It took me a little while to decide on a title. Finally, came up with "Lessons Learned." I guess the most obvious reason for that comes from the fact that I am a teacher. Teaching is my passion. I can't imagine myself in another career. As with anyone and their job, I do have those days when I question the wisdom behind my career choice. But the next day, as long as I go in with a smile on my face, I have 23 faces smiling back at me, glad to see me, and full of energy that is contagious. Then I'm positive I'm where I'm meant to be.

The other, and perhaps more significant, reason for the title is how I'm trying to look at my past. It's not a secret to many people that I had an unpleasant childhood for many reasons. Just recently have I began to face it and heal from it. Instead of being angry, hateful, and sad, I'm trying to find the positives that have come out of this uphill battle. Some days its tough and the memories flood in, but I know I'm a strong, determined person because of my experiences.

  posted at 7:53 PM  

At May 28, 2007 at 2:20 PM, Blogger Momof4Girls said...

Congratulations on your new very own blog site!! i just LOVE it!! =) It is SO YOU!!! =) It will be so fun to catch up with you and read how things are going!! And yes, you ARE A SURVIVOR!!! Don't EVER forget it!! =) I am SO VERY PROUD OF YOU!!! Enjoy this new gift. Can't wait to see you and Jason in a couple weeks! Love you both bunches!
Love,Aunt Becky


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About Me

I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

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Jason and Connor... both the loves of my life.

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  • Mrs. Lange's Class

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