Saturday, January 12, 2008
Moving right along...
Things are coming along nicely in Connor's room! Jason started painting last weekend and finished up this week. The wallpaper border has been ordered and should be here sometime this week. Here is the room in process:


Also last week, Jason started to put together the crib. This project was started Monday night as we watched the BCS championship game in the living room. Luckily, Jason realized before it was too late that it HAD to be put together in Connor's room because it wouldn't fit down the hallway. Here is my love hard at work!


Wrigley liked playing in the bubble wrap! Hershey was content just laying to the side... she's not as nosey.


We did get things finished today. Here is what we have so far:


Hopefully the border will be here soon. I also found an Eric Carle crib set on ebay that I have my eye on. Wish me luck with bidding... it ends on Monday. My glider is waiting on a part from the company (it was damaged), and we still need to buy a dresser. But things are coming right along!

  posted at 4:09 PM  

Thursday, January 3, 2008
Belly Pic #5

Belly 5

Here we are! Yes, I'm feeling more ginormous by the day. I feel so huge, but I know it's only going to be worse from here on out. Today marks the start of my third trimester :) YAY!! I just can't wait for this little guy to get here.

Tomorrow I will be enjoying a pregnancy massage at a spa here in Lafayette thanks to Cathy :) My ribs are still causing a lot of pain. But on the bright side, according to the doctor, they won't go back to the way they were before. So... when we decide to have #2, it won't be nearly as painful! Speaking of the doctor... I will start seeing her every two weeks now. Nervousness about the actual labor has not set in... yet. I'm sure it will though. Goodness knows I'm nervous about everything else :)

What else is new?

** Enjoying the last few days of winter break! It has been a very relaxing one. I've done NOTHING to do with school, and plan to keep it that way until Monday. We had an enjoyable holiday and were able to see a lot of family and friends.

** So... I'm trying my hand at sewing. Jason wanted new stockings with our names on them, so I found three different kits at Hobby Lobby. Jason's is done! I was very intimidated at first, but it turned out to be easier than I thought, though VERY time consuming. I've just started to work on Connor's. Although, there is no name going on this one until we have a baby... just in case :)

** Lastly... trying to "encourge" (nag) Jason to start working on Connor's room. If we can just get it painted and the border hung, then I can go to work on the rest. I'm so anxious!!!!

  posted at 1:17 PM  

About Me

I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

My Guys

Jason and Connor... both the loves of my life.

Currently Reading

  • Connor Scott Pictures
  • Mrs. Lange's Class

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    Indians' Game
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    Sometimes I wonder
    The strap works...
    Three Months!
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    Workin' in the Yard

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