Saturday, August 2, 2008
Colorado Trip
Last week we took our first family vacation to Colorado. We flew out on Tuesday and after getting a nice pat down at security, (We set off the alarm with his brace) we were on the plane. Connor actually did very well on the flight. He ate on the take-off and slept on the way down. Here is a pic of him stealing Daddy's chair.


We spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Jason's Uncle Don in Littleton, going to a Colorado Rockies game on Wednesday and visiting with Grandma Rose Wednesday night. On Thursday Don took us to see Red Rocks, a natural outdoor amphitheater, and have lunch in a small town just into the mountains. It was quite a sight!


On Thursday night we drove to Ft. Collins to stay with Jason's Uncle Jim and Aunt Becky. We had dinner with their entire family. It was so fun! On Friday I did some shopping at an outlet mall with Jason's cousin Allison while Jason and Aunt Becky went to see the new Batman movie. That night we had the rehearsal dinner for the wedding on Saturday. It was great to finally see Jason's dad's side. They all oohed and ahhed over Connor of course. Who wouldn't? Saturday was the wedding. Connor was fine until the bride walked down the aisle. After that... he had enough so we snuck out to have a feeding and made it back in time for the introduction of the couple. The reception was at the Hilton in Ft. Collins and we were staying there Saturday night, which was very nice. We were able to change in more comfortable clothes later in the night. He is a family pic before we did that.


And of course... Connor and his silly uncles!


The flight back on Sunday was good as well. Connor is a wonderful traveler!

  posted at 3:06 PM  

At August 2, 2008 at 9:58 PM, Blogger Cliff and Bernadette said...

Lovely just lovely!!!
I especially love th first photo of Connor sinking int the chair!
I agree with" Who wouldn't ooh and aaah over Connor!
Tahnks STephanie!

At August 6, 2008 at 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like he is gettig so big & appears to be doing well! Enjoy the last few days you have with him this summer. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Angie Tomlinson


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I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

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