Friday, June 20, 2008
Workin' in the Yard
So last weekend Jason and I decided (really it was more my decision) that we would finish the landscaping we started about a month ago. See... when we bought our house late last July, we were too busy painting and doing various things on the inside to worry about the outside. The outside has been our project this spring. The flower beds in the front had rocks instead of mulch... not my favorite. So the task of taking up the rock began. Now... this would have been much easier if whomever laid the rock in the first place would have picked up the mulch rather than just lay the rock on top of it!! It was a huge mess. Plus... the rock was going to be used someplace else.. so we couldn't just shovel it all up.. we had to pick the rocks out one by one.



Connor was a HUGE help!!! He kept to himself some of the time and actually fell asleep in his chair while we were working.


Here is a pic of the finished product!


  posted at 11:53 AM  

At June 21, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Blogger Cliff and Bernadette said...

Beautiful job! Thanks for all the rocks!! :o)


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I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

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