Monday, April 28, 2008
One Month Old!
Happy One Month Connor!


Not exactly the most flattering picture, but hey it'll do! I can't believe how much he has changed already, right before my eyes. His personality is starting to show through. Such a momma's boy! And I love the way his eyes brighten when he hears my voice. He is starting to track things with his eyes and get excited when he sees our faces. I know when I go back to work in two weeks I'll be rushing home to him... he's changing so fast I don't want to miss too much!

Sunday was an eventful day. The night before Connor was up crying most of the night... which means mommy and daddy were up all night too. Jason discovered Sunday morning that his casts were making welts on the inside of his little baby thighs. Seriously.. there was a raised bright red mark! They did not put enought cotton wrap around the top of them, so the molding was causing him lots of pain. Jason called St. Vincent's right away because we don't go to the doctor until Wednesday and he was just miserable. The doctor oncall suggested taking him to the emergency room to have them cut part of the cast off or try to put more cotton around them. So... that's where we headed. We had them cut about 1 inch off the top and put some cotton around the jagged parts. So far... we have been a MUCH happier guy.

And so the long line of rough patches continues for us....

What will it be next week?

  posted at 8:49 PM  

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Adjusting to Mommyhood...
Ok... so I know everyone has been expecting an update of some kind. But its been just crazy around here! Just when we think everyone has adjusted to everyone else... things go haywire.

First... About two weeks ago, Cathy and David had the three of us over for dinner. Cathy asked what I wanted for dinner and, I requested chicken parmesan. So we had a fantastic dinner of chicken parmesan, spaghetti, salad, and broccoli. That night... Connor was not a happy guy. Apparently, garlic and broccoli are not two of his favorite things.

Then... only two days later, he is upset again. Thankfully, Cathy offered to have us stay overnight and keep Connor downstairs in her room. In the morning, she had determined that we were over feeding Connor. All I knew was that in the hospital, they told me to have him eat 10 minutes on each side. Well... when I pumped I had 4 ounces from each side. This means that my 2 week old baby was eating about 8 ounces at each feeding! So that problem is now fixed... he eats on one side and I pump the other.

Finally... Last week... He would eat, fall asleep, then we would put him in bed. No more than 5 minutes later, he was screaming. I would get up, rock him back to sleep, and then try to lay him down again. This would repeat itself over and over again. Finally, I just resorted to sleeping in the recliner with him (a big no no.. I know). Luckily, we only had to do this for a couple days because we had our 2 week check up with the pediatrician. She suspected that he had infant reflux and said to prop him up after feedings and to try the Mylicon gas drops. So we did that for about a week.. with minimal results. So last Friday, the doctor called in a prescription for baby Zantac. As of Sunday night... things have been magical!!!

Obviously, we've been very busy, tired, stressed (among other things). And we've had all this going on while dealing with going to the doctor in Indy for his feet. Tomorrow will be his third set of casts. So far, it's looking very good. The doctor said from the very beginning that he had a rather mild case. It was still very hard for me to see him get that first set of casts on. There my precious baby was, 10 days old, getting his legs casted. He was a trooper though!! Connor just laid there, calm as can be, holding on to Daddy's fingers.

Ahhh... more later

  posted at 10:27 AM  

Sunday, April 6, 2008
I'm crazy about you...

Connor Scott Lange
March 28, 2008
9 pounds 4 ounces
21 inches


  posted at 6:19 PM  

About Me

I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

My Guys

Jason and Connor... both the loves of my life.

Currently Reading

  • Connor Scott Pictures
  • Mrs. Lange's Class

  • Previous Posts
    Colorado Trip
    Pool Party
    Indians' Game
    Happy Fourth of July!
    Sometimes I wonder
    The strap works...
    Three Months!
    Old Friends
    Workin' in the Yard

    May 2007
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