Wednesday, June 13, 2007
"I have no idea where we are..."
Not exactly the words you want to hear while in the middle of Rocky Mountain National Park! Jason and I visited his relatives in Colorado, (more about that later!) and while we were there I did a climb with Jason's Uncle Jim. We started our adventure last Saturday morning about 10:30. Like I said, we were in Rocky Mountain National Park in an area called Wild Basin. As we came to the ranger station, Jim asked the person working what would be a good, challenging climb for me, and he suggested climbing to Sandbeach Lake. So we set out for a 4.5 mile climb (that's ONE way, folks!).

Sometimes the trail looked like this

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But most of the time, the trail looked like this

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Some places were pretty steep, some were flat, and some had snow! For the first part of the climb we were practically walking along the side of a cliff. We crossed a couple of "rivers," they were actually more like creeks. There were a couple instances where had to veer from the trail because of either run-off or snow in the way. Finally, about 1:15 we made it to the top. We only spent about 20-25 minutes up there. Long enough to eat the small lunch Jason's mom and aunt had so caringly packed for us and to rest our legs.

Here I am at the top! (10,800 ft) It was such an incredible feeling to accomplish this!

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The treck back down was tougher than I had expected it to be, though it was obviously easier than going up! We made it to the bottom in about an hour and a half. I ran straight for the glorified porta potties since we forgot to pack toilet paper, then we headed back for home.

As for the rest of our vacation, we mostly just visited with Jason's family. It was so great to see everyone! They make me feel like I've always been part of that family. We attempted to go to Trail Ridge Road (the highest, continous road in the US), but it was closed because of snow :( We wandered downtown a little bit and saw Coors Field where the Colorado Rockies play. It was a relaxing vacation, with the exception of Saturday of course.

  posted at 9:44 AM  

At June 16, 2007 at 10:04 AM, Blogger Cliff and Bernadette said...

Awesome! Just awesome. I am so proud that you set goals and then you go and achieve them. What a beautiful view of Sandbeach Lake. I am so glad that you are partof our family. We love you Steph! You make us proud. I can't wait for you to add another mountain to the list.
Love you!
Next year, it is Jim, Don and I on a trip. :o)

At June 16, 2007 at 6:51 PM, Blogger Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Wow! What a hike!! I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself. I'm sure Dad loved having someone to hike with; he can't get us to join him!

Thanks for visiting!! It was wonderful to see you and Jason. I'm already looking forward to the next visit!


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I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

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