Tuesday, July 24, 2007
House Pictures!!
Here are the house pictures I have taken so far. I plan on putting more up once we get everything just the way we want it!

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Entry way/ hallway/part of living room: The entire living room and dining room is a dark green. I painted two of the walls a lighter shade and left the rest.

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Living room: These two windows look out to the backyard.

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Living room: Vaulted ceilings are nice... but a pain to paint! Luckily Jason was tall enough!

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Kitchen: One view of the yucky gold color.

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Kitchen: And another view of the yucky color!

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Kitchen: Much better.... a softer yellow!

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Kitchen Again: I love it!

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Kitchen: Just for something different, I went ahead and painted the top blue all the way around!

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Spare Bathroom: It was painted the orangey color you see on the bottom. I went with blue on the top and a darker shade of blue on the bottom.

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And here are the babies relaxing in the shade of their new backyard!!

I promise to put of more pics within the next week. Just a few more small projects first!

  posted at 4:11 PM  

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Drum roll please.....
This is a key:

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But not just any key...

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Okay.. so I'm a little excited. But hey, anyone would be, right?

Jason and I closed on our house on Monday actually, but for the past two days I've done nothing but painting!! The only thing left to do is the laundry room, which will be finished tomorrow. I hope to have before and after pictures up within the next week or so. Let the fun begin!!!!

  posted at 9:00 PM  

Monday, July 9, 2007
A Piece of Cake

Yesterday was truly a lazy Sunday. I spent the majority of the day in bed either watching the Cubs or reading. I started A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown (Yes, that's her real name) a week or so ago, but yesterday I just couldn't put it down. Don't you just love books like that? And it's even better when you have the time, like yesterday, to read until your heart's content. I won't ruin the book for any of you who want to read it. And I STRONGLY suggest that you do read it. If you think you have overcome obstacles in life, you will be humbled by Cupcake's story. I surely was. This is one of my favorite quotes from the book.

"Sure folks say that family is supposed to be blood. But out of those people who were loving me, supporting me, believing in me, and encouraging me, only Jr. was actually blood. Yet, the others didn't love me any less than he did. That's when I realized that a family doesn't have to be people you're related to. Family are people who love you - whoever that may be. I warned myself not to miss my blessing of a new family just because we weren't related by blood. We were related by love."

For a long time I would swear that my family really wasn't all that important to me. Why would they be? As many times as they let me down and caused so much pain. Sure I enjoyed being around some of them, but as for my immediate family, I felt no connection to them. Things were put into perspective after reading that quote. In truth, I have a HUGE family! Way back when, it was Jennifer Abrell, my middle school counselor. She was the first person I truly opened up to. Talk about having trust in someone! Then it was Martha Toth, my high school history teacher. We still talk on the phone regularly. And Pamela... who is like a big sister to me. Cathy and David, who are my proxy parents, and I their proxy daughter. Wow, where would be without their love and support and guidance? I'm so very lucky to be surrounded by these people, (and SO many more) and my new family through marrying Jason. I even have my "school family" to get me through a challenge. Though we are not related by blood, we are related by love.

  posted at 10:41 AM  

Monday, July 2, 2007
Weekend Trip
In celebration of our anniversary, Jason and I went to South Haven, Michigan for the weekend. Our friends Cathy and David suggested checking out Martha's Vineyard, a bed and breakfast. It truly was a dream come true! We stayed in the Cranston Suite. From the gardens, to the pond, to the hammock... everything was just amazing. And the weather was just gorgeous. We couldn't have asked for a better setting!

Here is a picture of the guest house from where we entered.

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We started the three hour drive on Friday night after Jason got off of work. After we checked in and got all the details from Ginger, one of the owners, we headed into South Haven to get some dinner. We ordered a pizza to go from a local place, Americilli's, stopped at Walgreens for some essentials, and headed back. After enjoying the pizza, we went outside to where they had a stand alone fire pit and roasted marshmallows.

Since we were staying in the "guest house," our breakfast was delivered right to our door in a picnic basket. After enjoying a breakfast of caramel apple pancakes, yogurt, grapefruit, and orange juice we showered and made our way into town. We walked down to the marina to see the lighthouse and perused some of the shops down there. We had lunch at the Harborside Bistro. Once we returned to Martha's, we napped in a hammock, then moved to the room and napped there! For dinner we ventured to Sagatuck, Michigan, 20 minutes north of South Haven. Dinner was at The Butler, and again we walked the marina and the shops. We headed back to the beach in South Haven and were just able to catch the sunset over Lake Michigan. It was absolutely beautiful!!!!

Once again we enjoyed breakfast delivered to our room. This time it was more to Jason's liking! We had roasted potatoes, a mini quiche, cinnamon rolls, and fresh watermelon and blueberries. After we checked out and left the fairy tale behind, we went into town to take picture of the lighthouse since my camera wasn't working the day before. We also went to an art fair that was going on. It was huge! And Jason was such a good sport about letting me browse. On our way back to Lafayette, we stopped at the Michigan City outlet mall. It was truly memorable, and I'm sure we will make a return trip!

Here is the lighthouse at South Haven.

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  posted at 8:51 PM  

About Me

I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

My Guys

Jason and Connor... both the loves of my life.

Currently Reading

  • Connor Scott Pictures
  • Mrs. Lange's Class

  • Previous Posts
    Colorado Trip
    Pool Party
    Indians' Game
    Happy Fourth of July!
    Sometimes I wonder
    The strap works...
    Three Months!
    Old Friends
    Workin' in the Yard

    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007
    August 2007
    October 2007
    November 2007
    December 2007
    January 2008
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    March 2008
    April 2008
    May 2008
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