Yep! Here we are! I can't believe the difference in the last two pictures!!!!! He is huge! How am I feeling? I would love to remove about 4 ribs to make more room for him. Seriously... they hurt so bad! I was almost in tears last night trying to fall asleep. I'm okay until about lunch time, but after that I'm not longer comfortable. But it will be worth it!
Had another doctor's appointment last Thursday. Everything is looking good, just had a quick check at all my measurements. At my next appt. they will check me for gestational diabetes, which is a routine check. Connor is moving more and more each day! Finally, on Thanksgiving, Jason felt him move. It's one of my favorite memories so far. We were cuddling on the couch together, not really motivated to get up and start getting ready for the day. I mentioned that he was pretty active, so Jason laid his hand on my belly. Once he felt him move, Jason's eyes lit up like I had never seen them before. I could tell it was a very exciting moment for him. He is going to be a great daddy!!!!
What else is new?
**I've been trying to finish up my final exam paper for the graduate class I'm taking at Purdue. It's all I've done all week... which is why the belly picture is late! Less than a week to go and the class is over!
**Went to Wisconsin over the weekend to see Jared play football in 4 inches of snow.
**School, school, and more school. Which isn't really new I guess... but I definitely feel myself getting into more of a routine than I have in the past.