Monday, March 10, 2008
Enough is Enough
I know that technically I still have 2 weeks and 2 days left until my due date, but enough is enough already. This last month has been more miserable than I expected. I don't like feeling like this. All in all, I've had an okay pregnancy, but I want my little boy here! For many reasons...

None of my clothes fit. We're talking maternity clothes here. I'm out of things that my belly doesn't hang out of. How's that for self-image. I feel like a mother cow carrying her baby cow. I'm huge! Especially now that it's getting warmer out (slowly, but surely here in Indiana), I'm envious of spring clothes.

I'm uncomfortable 24 hours a day. If its not my ribs, its my back. If its not my back, its my feet. Something always hurts.

I have heartburn that could knock a grown man to his knees. It doesn't matter if its a grilled cheese or mexican food, I have heartburn that keeps me awake at night.

I just want to hold him close and stare at my little miracle... knowing he is a product of pure, true love.

  posted at 4:35 PM  

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Belly Pic #7
Here we are... more enormous than ever :)


So... with 3 weeks and 2 days until my due date... I'm very uncomfortable and things are beginning not to fit anymore. I'm still up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom, and by the end of the day, my ribs really, really hurt. I'm soooo ready for him to get here! Of course I'm excited to see his little face for the first time, but also my body needs some relief. Went to the doctor today and had another ultrasound. Care to guess? My little guy is 7 pounds 6 ounces. The doctor told me I'm having a small cow.

Am I nervous about going into labor? Surprisingly, no. But I think that is due to the fact that I have no idea what to expect, and I want to keep it that way. That way, I don't worry 24 hours a day until he gets here. Plus, I think I have a pretty high tolerance for pain.

Here are some pictures of his finished room...



Another teacher at school found a big book of The Very Hungry Caterpillar in her room, so I cut some pages out of it and bought some frames and volia... there are our wall hangings. Thanks Kay! As you can see, all we need now is a baby!

  posted at 8:37 PM  

About Me

I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

My Guys

Jason and Connor... both the loves of my life.

Currently Reading

  • Connor Scott Pictures
  • Mrs. Lange's Class

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    The strap works...
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