Monday, March 10, 2008
Enough is Enough
I know that technically I still have 2 weeks and 2 days left until my due date, but enough is enough already. This last month has been more miserable than I expected. I don't like feeling like this. All in all, I've had an okay pregnancy, but I want my little boy here! For many reasons...

None of my clothes fit. We're talking maternity clothes here. I'm out of things that my belly doesn't hang out of. How's that for self-image. I feel like a mother cow carrying her baby cow. I'm huge! Especially now that it's getting warmer out (slowly, but surely here in Indiana), I'm envious of spring clothes.

I'm uncomfortable 24 hours a day. If its not my ribs, its my back. If its not my back, its my feet. Something always hurts.

I have heartburn that could knock a grown man to his knees. It doesn't matter if its a grilled cheese or mexican food, I have heartburn that keeps me awake at night.

I just want to hold him close and stare at my little miracle... knowing he is a product of pure, true love.

  posted at 4:35 PM  

At March 11, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Blogger Cliff and Bernadette said...

I am SO sorry Stephanie! :o(
I do not know what to do to help.
I sure hope your next two weeks goes REAL fast so we can your cutie!!!
Connor, we are all waiting anxiously to see your precious face!
~I love you three~

At March 12, 2008 at 3:23 PM, Blogger Malisa @ Sanity in Small Doses said...

The last couple weeks of pregnancy are SUCH a bear! You aren't comfortable at all anymore, you can't even pretend, your body is tired, sore and ready to be done and you began to get so impatient as you wait to meet your baby. Ahh.. I remember all those feelings!

Just try and relax and as people told me when I was getting antsy, try and get as much rest now as you can! Good luck! =)

At March 20, 2008 at 2:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think, it really IS anytime now honey!! =) I know that it feels like forever with all the aches and pains, but soon you will be holding the gift of your new son!! We cannot wait and are sooo excited for you! Hang in there, hon, and let us know when there is news! =)
Love you,
Aunt Becky


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I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

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Jason and Connor... both the loves of my life.

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