Saturday, June 16, 2007
Kid Music
Wednesday night I have the bright idea that it would be fun for Callie (my niece) , Caleb and Caitlyn (my cousins) to stay the night here in Lafayette and go to the small water park here. Don't get me wrong... it was a blast! But it's kind of a culture shock to go from no kids to three... especially for Jason!

I drove down to Terre Haute (1 hour 45 minute drive) Thursday afternoon to pick them up. I knew I was in trouble when Callie, she's 4 by the way, asks "How long til we're there Aunt Stephanie?" I had driven about three blocks. It was then that I realized I should have taken Cathy's advice and brought along "kid music" to listen to on the drive. I would be a rich women if I had a quarter for every time I heard "Are we almost there?"

I fixed a kid-friendly meal of hot dogs, mac and cheese, and tater tots once we got home. It was then that I learned how picky of an eater Caleb (he's 6) is. His dinner consisted of a hot dog (with the ends cut off), macaroni noodles without the cheese, and a piece of string cheese. After dinner Jason and I took them to the park, then to get ice cream. Finally we stopped by Cathy's house to get some movies to watch, or more accurately, fall asleep to.

When got home and settled in and learned the DVD player didn't work in the living room where we were sleeping. Do you know how many cartoons are on at 11pm? Not very many!!!! It was tough for them to fall asleep. Finally they did about midnight. Caleb, me, and Callie (in that order) slept on the fold out couch. Callie and Caleb each had about a foot of the bed on either side of them. Which meant they were sleeping VERY close to me.

Callie woke up at 7am wanting breakfast so I fixed 3 bowls of cereal. Then she wanted to know if it was time to go. It was difficult to explain to a 4 year old that we couldn't leave because they weren't open yet. "But why?" she kept asking.

Here is a picture of them at the water park enjoying juice boxes and Cheetos!

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After the water park, we headed home to change, then to McDonald's for lunch. Once we were finished, we headed back to Terre Haute, and this time I was armed with kid music! Within 20 minutes they were all sound asleep.

  posted at 9:38 AM  

At June 16, 2007 at 1:41 PM, Blogger Cliff and Bernadette said...

You are such a SWEETHEART!!!
O the memories those kids will have. They will always remember these days............and so will you.

At June 16, 2007 at 6:53 PM, Blogger Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

You are such a good auntie! I hope I'm half as patient with my nieces and nephews someday! =)

At June 25, 2007 at 10:45 AM, Blogger jennjenn said...

What fun! My kiddos love the water park, too. And...I've also learned the importance of kid music. Ask me any kid song and I can sing it for you!


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I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

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