Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A Foot Update...
Yesterday, Jason and I went to St. Vincent's Children's Hospital for a consultation about Connor's feet. We met with Dr. Kayes at the Pediatric Rehab Center. It was a lot of information in a short amount of time. But, here is the timeline. Basically, right after we are home from the hospital, we are to call Dr. Kayes' office and they will see him within a week after he is born. At that point, he will be put in his first of 5-8 casts. The casts are changed every week... that's an hour drive to Indy once a week. After the casts, they will most likely cut his Achilles Tendon in order to move his foot "up and down" to the right place and then cast it for 3 weeks. Finally, they will take that cast off and he will be given special shoes to wear with a bar connecting his feet. He will have to wear this full time for 2-3 months, then a night and naptime for another 2-4 years. Here is a link with some information about the process.


I suppose I have to be okay with all of this. I've been able to put the entire issue out of my mind until recently. Now it's real. I know he will eventually be okay. I know he won't remember it. I know that of all things that could go wrong, this is the most favorable. I know I'm lucky to even have him. But sometimes I just want to be angry. Angry that I can't give him a bath until he is 2 months old. Or buy him shoes until he is at least 6 months old. I'm angry that impromptu pictures will include his brace in them. And that all the pants and sleepers he has right now will most likely not fit over his casts.

I'm anxious for him to arrive. Because then, my anger will be replaced with nothing but love and protection for my the other love of my life.

  posted at 7:32 PM  

At February 26, 2008 at 8:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are experiencing every feeling other moms would have at this point if they knew about these feet. So the pictures have the casts/bar...when he looks at them when he's older he will know he's been so loved and cared for since the moment he arrived. I just can't wait for him to get here so I can hold him!

At February 27, 2008 at 7:35 AM, Blogger Cliff and Bernadette said...

Jason and STeph
I understand that this is tough for the two of you. Hour drive to Indy, casts, extra care and diligence. However, you two are so lucky to have specialists for Connor. I am sure all feelings of fairness will melt away when you see your bundle of joy. Connor will be shown to everyone with pride and Connor will draw so much positive attention from strangers. Connor is so lucky to have parents that care so much about him before and after he arrives. I love you three. :o)


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