Thursday, June 21, 2007
When did this happen?
My heart hurts.

It feels like part of me has been taken away from the rest of me.

I guess that's the best way for me to explain it. One of my two best friends, Erin, is moving to Arizona in less than a week. Erin and I have been friends since we were juniors in high school. One of my earliest memories of our friendship is sitting in US History class. It was then that I started dating my future husband, and I would hurry in each day to tell Erin how the relationship was going. I was so ecstatic I could barely sit in my chair the night after the first time he called me, and Erin was there to be ecstatic with me. We survived the last two years of high school with the rest of our circle of friends. Countless nights of laser tag, glow bowling, and movies at Hannah's house take me back to when everyone was within 10 minutes of each other.

Our freshman year of college Jason and I decided to introduce Erin to one of the guys Jason went to school with at Rose Hulman. We took Eric to Erin's dorm room to meet her, and although there wasn't immediate fireworks, eventually they fell in love. During our sophomore year at ISU, Erin and I roomed together. Wow. It's absolutely amazing how I could get NOTHING accomplished while studying in the room with Erin, but should I chose to move to the common area down the hall, I'm done in 5 minutes flat. So many memories from that year. Erin celebrated with me when I got my bid from Delta Gamma. Bribed me with ice cream to take cough syrup when I was sick. Let me cry on her shoulder when Jason wanted to "slow things down a bit." And it never failed... EVERY night when I got home from work at 11 exhausted from my full day, there was Erin to ask how was work. When Erin went to Spain for a semester our junior year Jason asked me to marry him. I kept it a secret from her until I arrived at the airport with Eric and her mom to pick her up. I wanted to tell her in person, and ask her to be in the wedding.

We shared history notes and friends in high school. We shared instant oatmeal and our wardrobes in college. We shared each other's wedding days.

Last night we shared tears and hugs and half of our desserts.

Suddenly we've become adults whether we want to or not.

When did this happen? How do we make it stop?

  posted at 5:59 PM  

At June 21, 2007 at 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a rite of passage and often those rites are painful. Kitty and I talked about it tonight and remembered our La Scala dinner. Distance is only as distant as you allow it to become. You and Erin will be like Kitty and me...talking daily over glasses of wine!

At June 22, 2007 at 9:34 AM, Blogger Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

First of all, love the music on your blog. You and I have such similar taste in music! =)

Secondly, I know EXACTLY how you're feeling! It's so hard to watch a friend, a best friend at that, move away. I am so sorry but just remember, that which does not kill you...


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I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

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