Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Belly Pic #3
So here I am at 18 weeks and 5 days....

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Obviously, maternity clothes are a must now! Thankfully I have at least enough dress pants to get me through a week at work now. Target is the BEST place to but them! Especially if you can get them on sale. Thursday is the big day for our grownig family. I have my first utrasound and hopefully (keep your fingers crossed!) we will be able to find if we are having a Connor or an Abby. Although, I will still be skeptical after my friend Jessica was told they were "90% sure" she was having a boy. Then 3 days before she was due, she had another ultrasound and guess what! Yep... she now has Brooklynn instead of Landon. Don't get me wrong... I truly have no preference right now. I'm just so thankful to become a mommy!!!!!

  posted at 6:43 PM  

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Happy Halloween!!
Although I despise cold weather... I'm welcoming fall break this year! On Friday morning I leave for Miami with some sorority sisters for a weekend cruise to the Bahamas. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I've never been to Florida, let alone a cruise. I plan on relaxing, having a good time with my friends, and of course EATING all the wonderful food that will be at my disposal 24 hours a day :)

So tonight, Jason and I spent some quality time together since I will not see him for the next 5 days. To get into the Halloween spirit, we carved a pumpkin. Jason wanted to make it a pumpkin getting sick, and I didn't really care as long as I could bake some of the seeds when we were done. Just think, this time next year, we will have a little person to carve a pumpkin with!!! Look for pictures of the cruise and another belly picture next week!

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  posted at 7:35 PM  

Monday, October 1, 2007
Belly Pic #2
Okay... Okay... so I'm a day late. But I was a little busy yesterday (more on that later!).

Here it is... at 14 weeks

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Still feeling pretty good. I'm not nearly as hungry as I have been, and the heartburn has been MUCH better also. Our first doc appt went well. We got to hear the heartbeat!!!! It was an indescribable feeling to hear that! The doc said I'm right where I should be, and as far as she can tell everything is going fine. We go back on Thursday, and hopefully we will know when we can have an ultrasound to find out the sex. Speaking of... Jason and I also picked out names. If we have a boy the name will be Connor Scott and for a girl it will be Abigail Catherine.

On Sunday... Jason and I went to Cincinnati to see the Cubs play the Reds. This is the third year in a row that we have been. It is such a great place for us to see them first of all because it takes about the same amount of time to get there as it does the northside of Chicago and because we can get such good seats. We sat in the SECOND row from the field, 8 seats from the Cubs' dugout and our tickets were just $65 apiece. It was amazing!!!!! I made sure we got there when the ballpark opened (we were the 10th people in our line) so that we could get some autographs. Unfortunately, not very many players were out so I only got Bob Howry's AND Kerry Wood's. Here is a pic of me with the ball.

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Unfortunately the Cubs lost... but we are in the playoffs!!! They start on Wednesday and I couldn't be more excited!!!

  posted at 9:15 PM  

About Me

I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

My Guys

Jason and Connor... both the loves of my life.

Currently Reading

  • Connor Scott Pictures
  • Mrs. Lange's Class

  • Previous Posts
    Colorado Trip
    Pool Party
    Indians' Game
    Happy Fourth of July!
    Sometimes I wonder
    The strap works...
    Three Months!
    Old Friends
    Workin' in the Yard

    May 2007
    June 2007
    July 2007
    August 2007
    October 2007
    November 2007
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