Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A Foot Update...
Yesterday, Jason and I went to St. Vincent's Children's Hospital for a consultation about Connor's feet. We met with Dr. Kayes at the Pediatric Rehab Center. It was a lot of information in a short amount of time. But, here is the timeline. Basically, right after we are home from the hospital, we are to call Dr. Kayes' office and they will see him within a week after he is born. At that point, he will be put in his first of 5-8 casts. The casts are changed every week... that's an hour drive to Indy once a week. After the casts, they will most likely cut his Achilles Tendon in order to move his foot "up and down" to the right place and then cast it for 3 weeks. Finally, they will take that cast off and he will be given special shoes to wear with a bar connecting his feet. He will have to wear this full time for 2-3 months, then a night and naptime for another 2-4 years. Here is a link with some information about the process.


I suppose I have to be okay with all of this. I've been able to put the entire issue out of my mind until recently. Now it's real. I know he will eventually be okay. I know he won't remember it. I know that of all things that could go wrong, this is the most favorable. I know I'm lucky to even have him. But sometimes I just want to be angry. Angry that I can't give him a bath until he is 2 months old. Or buy him shoes until he is at least 6 months old. I'm angry that impromptu pictures will include his brace in them. And that all the pants and sleepers he has right now will most likely not fit over his casts.

I'm anxious for him to arrive. Because then, my anger will be replaced with nothing but love and protection for my the other love of my life.

  posted at 7:32 PM  

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Yes... that's right. Here they are:


So.... we're having a little trouble with some swelling. I called the doctor last Friday (They were really bad then), and she said to lay on my side as much as possible and drink lots of fluids. Well, first of all, it is impossible to lay down during the day. So I try and sit if I can. Plus, I already drink TONS of water! They've been better this week. I think my cankles are very tired. It's been a long week! It's the first week in TWO months that we've been to school all week and on time.

Other excitement this weekend was my first baby shower in Terre Haute. I have another one given by my sorority sisters in Indy this weekend. I'll post pics from both of them sometime Sunday or Monday! It's just about bedtime...

  posted at 8:36 PM  

Monday, February 4, 2008
7 weeks left...
So.... Jason and I just got back from a doctor appointment. We also had an another ultrasound on the little guy. Everything looks pretty much the same as it did during the first one. We still have a boy, and there are still going to be some cosmetic problems with his feet. But the big news his his weight. Keep in mind I still have 7 week to go. Right now he is 5 lbs. 11 oz. That's the size of a full term baby! No wonder I feel so uncomfortable. My doctor wants another ultrasound in 3-4 weeks and then "we'll talk" she says.

I'm rather nervous about having a cesarean delivery. I've never so much as had stitches... let alone a surgery! I suppose we'll wait and see how big he is in a few weeks before getting really nervous.

  posted at 4:44 PM  

Friday, February 1, 2008
Belly Pic #6
Does this look uncomfortable? Does it look like I might have trouble sleeping? The answer to both of those questions is YES!


My back hurts, my sides hurt, my ribs hurt, and I can't bend down to tie my shoes... thank goodness its less than two months to go! Although through all of this... I wouldn't trade it for the world. I'm so thankful for my little boy and for my husband who is trying to make things comfortable for me. EVERY time I sit/stand up and I'm near him... his hand always reaches out to help me up. And he ties my shoes for me :) I'm so blessed.

Next doctor appointment is Monday. I'm having another ultrasound, so I get to see the little guy again! My doctor wants to "make sure he's growing okay." HELLO! Look at me! Growth is not a problem... but no complaints here. We can triple check for pink or blue this way.

A small part of me doesn't want this ultrasound. I still have hope that this time they won't find anything wrong with his feet. And if they do... I'll be disappointed all over again. Then there's the other fear that they will find something else to be concerned about. I wish my mind were at ease...

  posted at 11:40 AM  

About Me

I'm a wife, mother, teacher, friend, daughter (to many people!), sister, aunt, Chicago Cubs fan, and SURVIVOR! I'm finding lessons to be learned in all the curveballs of life and enjoying the journey I'm on.

My Guys

Jason and Connor... both the loves of my life.

Currently Reading

  • Connor Scott Pictures
  • Mrs. Lange's Class

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    The strap works...
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